Five Ashes Church of England Primary School

Five Ashes CE Primary School is committed to removing barriers to achievement for children who may require additional provision and resources to support their learning and/ or emotional development.

We are an inclusive school and believe that all children, including those identified as having special educational needs and/or a disability, have a common entitlement to a broad, balanced academic and social curriculum.

The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice lies at the heart of our school’s SEND strategy and sets out the processes and procedures that all organisations should follow to meet the needs of children. The Code describes a graduated approach that recognises that children learn in different ways and can have different kinds of SEND.

Here at Five Ashes, we have an Inclusion Team that is responsible, in consultation with class teachers, for identifying children with special needs and to then plan for the appropriate help and support. If necessary, help and advice will be sought from outside agencies. Very occasionally a statutory assessment will be made, leading to an Education, Health and Care Plan.

Our Inclusion Team is led by Mrs Sue Thomas, the SENDCo.

Please contact the Inclusion Team at any time via the school office,

This Special Educational Needs Information Report also acts as our SEND policy (below).