Frant Church of England Primary School

Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it. Prov XXII v.6

Our Christian Values

Christian values underpin everything we do at Frant C of E Primary School and are always present in the way we interact with each other and with the wider community. We are kind and considerate, supportive and respectful. Worship and fundraising events throughout the year enable us to engage with the wider community and help others.

In addition, our pupils and school community explore twelve of our values in greater depth.

Our twelve Christian values are rooted in Bible teaching and represent the fruit that grows through teaching and everyday life. Each term we focus on one value which links with the seasons and celebrations of the Church year. The values are explored through collective worship, reflection in the classroom, reflection and prayer spaces around the school and during RSHE (Relationships, Social and Health Education) activities.

British Values

British Values

How our classes shows them and are taught them.

an understanding of how citizens can influence decision-making through the democratic process;

  • School Council – voting process
  • Decisions made in class through use of pupil voice (monitor jobs, Class Assembly roles)
  • Use of topic work.

an appreciation that living under the rule of law protects individual citizens and is essential for their wellbeing and safety;

  • Visits from Fire Service, Police and Nurse
  • School’s behaviour system
  • Classroom Monitor Jobs
  • Play Leader roles
  • E-safety awareness
  • Looking at job roles/ responsibility in PSHE lessons
  • Alcohol and drug awareness taught in PSHE lessons

an understanding that there is a separation of power between the executive and the judiciary, and that while some public bodies such as the police and the army can be held to account through Parliament, others such as the courts maintain independence;

  • Visits from the Police
  • Classroom discussions about responsibility
  • PSHE – how laws are made

an understanding that the freedom to choose and hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in law;

  • Range of World religions taught in RE lessons and assembly
  • Range of books in Library and Book Corners
  • Promoting skills of independence
  • Looking at websites such as Newsround to inform

an acceptance that other people having different faiths or beliefs to oneself (or having none) should be accepted and tolerated, and should not be the cause of prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour

  • Range of World religions taught in RE lessons and assembly
  • PSED/ PSHEe link – similarities and differences/ likes and dislikes (where we live may be different to others), looking at families and different communities
  • Visit to religious places

an understanding of the importance of identifying and combatting discrimination

  • PSED – differences
  • Class/ school rules
  • Child-friendly anti-bullying policy