Frant Church of England Primary School

Outlined below are the priorities for Frant CE Primary School this academic year. Most of the areas are Federation wide, allowing for the 4 schools to work collaboratively on them. A few of the areas are specific to Frant.

As a Federation, our teachers benefit from being able to work collaboratively. This includes training opportunities, meetings to plan lessons for their year groups as well as developing the quality of education in specific subjects. We are currently focusing on mapping future enrichment opportunities for our children such as: performing at a Glyndebourne concert, participation in annual sporting events, workshops, visits and visitors linked to the curriculum learning journeys.

The Wadhurst Alliance

Schools in East Sussex are divided into groups by the Local Authority in order to help them work in partnership. Frant CE Primary School is part of the Wadhurst Alliance, which includes the following schools:

We are delighted to inform you that last year the Wadhurst Alliance was successful in securing a significant inclusion grant. This is being used to fund a project over the next few years that involves working closely with a team of advisors to evaluate and improve our Special Needs (SEND) provision and inclusive practice. This year, we are focusing on providing quality CPD for both teachers and Teaching Assistants.